Shipping through the holidays | Same Day Dispatch on orders placed before 11am
Shipping through the holidays | Same Day Dispatch on orders placed before 11am
3 min read
Crikey! A visit to the Sunshine Coast would not have been complete without a visit to Australia Zoo. There isn’t a person that I know who doesn’t know the famous Irwin family, established by the legendary Steve and his wonderful work continued by his wife Terri, son Robert and beautiful daughter Bindi (the dress Bindi wore in Dancing with the Stars is on display, it’s stunning!) You can tell that I am a huge fan of this iconic Aussie family!
The incredible crocodiles are the main attraction. We were treated to an amazing display of their strength and snapping action at the famous Mount Franklin Crocoseum! Lucky for us, the Irwin family were in on the day and so Terri and Robert hand fed the crocs, what a treat! If you get to the zoo early, there is a Kids Story time located in the Crocoseum boutique, it was at 10am but check what’s planned for the day you’re there.
After the show, we enjoyed some cooling off from all that excitement at The Laughing Frog Waterpark. Where there is a HUGE frog who gushes water and a HUGE crocodile water fountain, who spurts water from its nose. Of course, we couldn’t keep the little ones from running in and out of the water. Thank goodness Tyoub swim nappy’s came in handy! It’s always a good idea to keep one of our swim nappies in the car or your change bag, especially on holidays, as you never know when the opportunity will present itself for a splish-splash-play.
There are also the softer and more cuddly animals and getting up close to a koala is a definitely on the top 10 Highlights of the day. Taking a stroll through the Koala Walk and seeing these gorgeous little bundles of fur chillin’ out in the eucalyptus leaves is so relaxing. They must be the most zen animals on earth. Don’t forget to pick up a bag of nibbles for the roos! The red kangaroos can be hand fed and will patiently stand around for a photo and a pat, sometimes it all gets too much and they have a little lie down right in the middle of the path.
If you’re feeling a little peckish then there are lots of watering holes, so to speak… try the Crikey Café for a burger, fresh salad or sandwich. There are vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options available. Do take a refillable water bottle to keep you hydrated!
If after lunch you’d like to settle down to a show, then head over to the Tiger Temple get there early as seating is limited. Another fun area for young families is the Farmyard. Like with all animals children need adult supervision, this is a wonderful learning experience, but lets make our interactions with animals be respectful, kind and gentle. There is hand sanitiser at most exit gates for keeping hands germ free.
The park is beautifully kept, there is ample shade and seating, playgrounds and parents room. The path ways are pram and wheelchair friendly and most areas have ramp access. There is so much to do and see, like with any good day out, plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to enjoy it! Sunny Coast we will be back again soon.